Our Vision, Mission and Values


Our mission is…

To provide accessible support for your family in your community by educating and informing you on ways to support yourself and your family’s well-being. We want to provide a safe, nurturing space for you to come along, get out of your house, and find someone to relate to, as we truly believe every caregiver deserves this. We want to provide your children and young people with tools to support their well-being, also.

We also want to support your children & young people where they spend 26 hours a week of their life: in their educational setting.

Our vision is…

We will bring face-to-face, accessible support to communities, starting in West Lothian. We will do this by:

  • Rolling out our community group for caregivers (Mummy Minds) in as many locations as possible.

  • We will train volunteers to run groups and also people who already work in the community, to allow them to support your families, young people and children as early as possible.

  • Running classes, workshops and online training to inform and educate all.

  • Providing volunteers in schools, to support your children & young people.

Our values are…

Connection is at the heart of everything we do here at BHLM. Connection is a core value for us as it’s through connection that we teach, we learn and we grow. We pride ourselves on our kind, non-judgemental and caring approach and instill this alongside respect in our values.

Lastly, family is everything to us. We are Mummy Minds ourselves before we are ‘Hearts.’ Our work is incredibly important to us, but our family will come first every time and we ask for your understanding in this, when necessary.