


On Wednesday the 4th of May, Laura attended the Mental Health & Wellbeing Festival that Clydebank High School held for their S3s.

Laura held 2 Workshops for the young people, talking about how our brain processes emotions, how our stress response impacts our body and our reactions & then discussed calming strategies.

The festival had lots of great organisations there supporting young people & included a visit from Callum Hutchison from the Violence Reduction Unit.

“A huge thank you to Gerry Diamond and Clydebank High School for having BHLM. The work they are doing for their young people is outstanding.”

Find out more about our workshops here, or contact us to make a booking.

new locations for mummy minds

We now have 4 locations for Mummy Minds, with our newest additions being collaborations with Westerinch Parent & Toddler Group and Kidzeco in Livingston.

Thank you to Lynne & Tracy for allowing BHLM to support their families and provide safe spaces for relatable conversations, whilst the littles play.

For more information, click here.

new workshops

We have now launched our workshops for age 5-8 years, 9-12 years, young people and adults.

Our workshops will be in various locations on various dates and can also be booked for your school, organisation or company by contacting us.

Find out more on our workshop page.

Laura & Theo Paphitis at the #SBS Event in Birmingham, 25th February 2022.

SBS EVENT in Birmingham

Laura has been down in Birmingham collecting her award from Theo Paphitis, as one of his 6 weekly winners for “Small Business Sunday.”

Laura won the award back in the first lock down, but the annual event hasn’t ran due to the pandemic.

The event was not only filled with amazing businesses and entrepeneurs’, but informative presentations and opportunities to get professional photographs and information for running a business.

British sign language & emotions

Lorna has been learning British Sign Language and has been teaching our Little Minds how to sign their emotions.

They have taken to it so well that BHLM will now be making this a part of the emotional check-in and a way of communicating emotions to each other. Lorna already signs the goodbye song at Baby Minds so in time we can add this great way of communicating to more of our classes.

A Mummy Mind has already commented on the use of BSL when their child became non-verbal during a period of dysregulation & another Mummy Mind told BHLM their Little Mind has been showing her new skills in her Early Years nursery.

BHLM is very lucky to have Lorna share her learning journey with us and in time, we hope to make our classess accessible and inclusive to all.

new support groups in west lothian locations

After the success of our Mummy Mind Support group trials in Fusion Studios, Bathgate and Tot Spot, East Calder BHLM can now proudly announce that they are actively looking for venues to hold their accessible groups.

We will be in the following venues:

  • Aerial Adventures Soft Play, The Centre.

    Tuesday’s 9.15-10.35am, 22nd Feb - 29th Mar.

  • Tot Spot, East Calder.

    Monday’s 9.30-10.30am, 21st Feb - 28th Mar.

More venues coming soon!

14th January 2022